At Leeton Preschool we value each child as an individual with their own strengths, culture and family. We respect the rights of each child and their role within their own family. We will work to ensure that children are not discriminated against on the basis of gender, ability, economic status, lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, language or culture. Children with additional needs will be supported throughout their time at Leeton Preschool.
We strive to make Leeton Preschool a safe, warm, caring environment, incorporating learning opportunities with sensitive, listening staff and a sense of fun. We aim to promote an environment that supports the social and emotional wellbeing of each child.
We encourage strong, positive links between home, preschool and the community. We recognise that we are partners with families in education and aim to work with families, supporting their interests and values.
We support involvement with the local community, both here at preschool and out in the wider neighbourhood; helping the children discover how they can be contributors to the community they belong to.
We believe children are competent and capable learners. With reasonable, high expectations we encourage each child to strive towards their greatest potential. Learning opportunities are both spontaneous and intentional. By offering each child a chance to explore, investigate, experiment and challenge themselves, children will develop skills to help them meet the challenges of life ahead. With a strong, positive sense of who they are, children will face life with confidence.
Leeton Preschool will promote and support ongoing professional development within our team to guarantee a high standard of professionalism. We will reflect on and evaluate our philosophy and programme to ensure that we continue to move forward.

1A Valencia Street Leeton